BB Naija : I once dated a sex therapist, Laycon says

 Laycon has revealed he once dated a sex therapist.

He said this on Friday during a conversation with Kiddwaya.
“I once dated a sex therapist. I am more attracted to ladies older than me,” he said during the conversation which had Kiddwaya in agreement.
He added: “Dating an older lady is peaceful because they are way mature than younger ladies.
“They don’t ask you to come to stay with them or take them out and they are matured.
“One of my girlfriends, who’s older than me helped me with an internship in my year three and year four in school.
“Many ladies wonder when they find out that they are older than me and I’m like what has changed after finding out.
“I once dated one who found out she was older than me and wanted to opt-out of the relationship. This was some years back while I was in school.”
Kiddwaya corroborated Laycon’s take on dating older ladies saying, younger ladies are just for fun but ladies older than him with three years are more mature and he prefers them.
“I agree with you, dating older ladies makes more sense than dating the young ones,” she stressed.

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