

As a concerned Unilorite, closely watching the activities of the Students’ Union and constructively criticizing where necessary, I saw an headline from the UCJ reporting that the President of the Students’ Union was to begin court trial over procurement of the Students Union car. This sounded very interesting and I clicked the link ready to understand the issue. But to my dismay, I realized that it was a very frivolous issue initiated by some selfish and malicious individuals sad about the progress of the Union. 

One of the claimants, one Mr. Bilal claims that the purchase of the car is illegal and is suing the President for not purchasing the car from him since he sells cars; thereby depriving him of some commission he would have gotten if the car was purchased from or through him. How absurd! This shows very selfish intents of the claimants. This can be likened to a customer going to the market to purchase a good, he buys it, and then begins to receive threats from another seller for not buying from him!

He also claims that the purchase of the car was not publicized to the general public. Is it the same car that we learned about its purchase during the COVID 19 break through the official Twitter page of the Students Union? It almost went viral with pictures of its commissioning on the WhatsApp statuses of many students across various faculties. I remember seeing the Vice chancellor commissioning it together with the Dean, Sub-dean of Students Affairs and other dignitaries in front of the University’s Senate Building. This claim is shocking and it is obvious already that the claimant is full of malice and is probably frustrated by some of his personal issues. 

I wonder how a Unilorite will be aggrieved that our former Students Union jalopy was changed after over 6 years, developing various faults and even breaking down at different public locations to the embarrassment of the entire students; simply because of the commission he would have made if the car was bought from him. If this is not selfishness and hate, I wonder what else is!

I am also concerned about the bias of the UCJ in reporting this frivolous and malicious news who hurriedly reported the news using concluding and misleading terms like “illegal” while the court had not even began trial on the matter. This has raised doubts in my mind, sure to resurface while reading any other news reported by this press as it may be biased. Not only did UCJ report a case that has not commenced (as at the time they reported it) but also insinuated that the procurement of the vehicle was illegal. I mean, why should the reputable UCJ do such?

I hope that the Judiciary treats this matter in all fairness and justice, and tackles it as a malicious suit that it is; so as to reprimand other students habouring such malice and seeking the Court of Law for approval and commendation. 

Meanwhile, let’s not forget that this same SU President has been up and doing in attending to the needs of Unilorites. Apart from constantly liasing with school management on the electricity, transportation and other issues, Passion gives updates about all these by himself on his Twitter handle; thereby carrying all Unilorites along. 

Even if you have a personal beef with him, let that not cloud your thoughts. Apart from being very humble and relatable, this SU President has on several occasions made himself available and served interests of of Unilorites. Have you forgotten how add and drop form fee was reduced from N6,000 to N1,000?

Finally, I appeal to all Unilorites to sheath their political, religious, and ethnic swords for the progress of the Union. Selfishness, and hate should have no place in our midst.


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