

It is fair to give reasoned judgment or to justifiably criticize a government. What is unfair is to allow personal or selfish interest cloud one’s judgment of the government.

There is a circulating opinion of a self-acclaimed activist faulting the University of Ilorin Student’s Union President (popularly known as passion) and tainting his image that was well built over the years. This article although titled “Why I think Unilorin Students’ Union 2020/2021 administration were the most useless- Way forward” does not reflect the title in any way. Every one who reads it will be right to conclude that it is a personal attack on the person of the president, Passion.

The Write-up which opens up with the issues bordering around increase in transport costs fails to appreciate the sudden increase in fuel price all over the Nation and its overriding effects on the general cost of living of Nigerians as a whole. According to the opinion of the writer, the hike in fuel price did not and is not supposed to affect Unilorites except that Passion increased the transport costs over an agreement with the Korope drivers in order that they give him a tip of their incomes. This is indeed a laughable opinion. In his words, “But the union representatives sabotaged us and we are paying 80 Naira! The previous administration usually sit with these men and negotiate till they find s ground that can be convenient for all. But this administration are YES PEOPLE”. I am surprised that a supposed person who has spent 5 years in the school is not aware of nature of agreements. It is no hidden truth that the administration had countless meetings with the Transport workers and came to the best agreeable option for both parties. I will also like to remind us that there used to be a time when the transport fee from terminus to PS was 30 Naira. But due to the bad state of the Economy of Nigeria, it moved to 50 Naira and now 80 Naira. It will be ridiculous to then conclude that these are the doings of Passion.

Another salient issue to be discussed is the writer’s choice to fault the President for facing court trial on allegation bordering on illegal procurement of Vehicle. This accusation is premised on a process filed by One Bello Bilal Sola (an active trader in motor vehicle in Ilorin) against the president in the Student Union Court. It is absolutely essential to explain at this juncture that faulting a person for being sued in court is a blow on the face of our judicial system. The essence of a court trial is to ascertain the truism of certain facts adduced by the claimant and give adequate judgments after the hearing of the parties concerned. It is all shades of wrong to give public opinions of matters in court that have not been fully dispensed. In fact, it is termed as usurpation of the Power of the Courts. Such acts will be aggravated if done on a social perform as it constitutes media trial. I am then surprised that such act is done by an acclaimed member of the Union of Campus Journalists (UCJ).

As regards the process filed against the president itself, the obvious fact that it was instituted by a person who is in active dealership of cars is enough pointer to the fact that the case was instituted for his own personal interest as against the interest of the Union. A person who trades in cars and enjoy profits would in his own interest want the Student Union Executive Council to purchase a car from him in order to gain a profit, hence the suit. At all times will the greater good of the union outweigh the personal interest of a person.

This in no way should be construed to mean that the procurement was in any way Illegal. Also, it is the duty of the Central Executive Council and not the president as provided by the Procurement Act to list things to be procured. Why is then the President the subject of criticism? There is no better answer than that there is a malicious intent behind the suit against him as well as the released publication.

Additionally, the procurement of the vehicle was done during the long Covid-19 break to enhance the activities of the union. In fact, there are pictorial evidence of where the Vehicle in contention has been used to converge members of the union at various points of the University. Therefore, it is devoid of all truths that the Vehicle is used by Passion for his personal gains. There are people who can testify that the car is not driven by Passion alone, many other people have access to the car in the interest of the Union. No one is oblivious to the fact that once the administration is over, the car remains the property of the union, not his take-away vacation present.

Despite the state of affairs in our country, Passion is still committed to adding value to the Student Body of the university. Notwithstanding the electricity crisis in the state following the heavy rainfalls, he has ensured to the best of abilities a stable power supply in the school. As an alternative, he has also worked with the school management to provide a Generator that would power the school in case of any failure in electricity. Likewise, apart from general duties, he has attended personally to students who have issues in school. Instances can be drawn from students who complained about issues in their hostel, where Passion visited personally to ensure they are resolved.

All these and many more, Passion is still faulted and his image tainted. Is this how we should appreciate all his good works?



*A 200l student of unilorin*

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