This is contained in a Notice signed by Secretary to the Council and Director of Administration, E. O. Max-Uba (Mrs.).
The Notice states that the program is open to graduates of the law of common law countries, whose law courses have been approved by the council of legal education. Degrees obtained through part-time, long-distance learning or study as an external student are not recognized for admission to this program.
Prospective applicants are to visit the Nigerian Law School website: Follow the instructions, complete the forms and submit same online.
Thereafter, a copy of each of the completed forms A2, B, B1, and B2 should be downloaded and forwarded to the Nigerian Law School. No payment for application is required.
Downloaded Application documents are to be returned to the Nigerian Law School on or before Friday, October 13, 2021.
Applicants are enjoined to ensure that original Academic transcripts and References are received directly from their Universities and Employers on or before Friday, October 25, 2021. Please note that late submission of application documents will not be entertained.
Applicants are to also note their Application Numbers, for access to their admission status subsequently.