The 2021 matriculation has been fixed for Wednesday, 29th September, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. The students procession which you are hereby invited to join, will take off from the old Faculty of Arts building at 6:40 a.m. You will be expected to be in academic gowns which will be made available to you by your Faculty Officers.
The procession will be in the following order:
- Students of Faculty of Agriculture
- Students of Faculty of Arts
- Students of Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences
- Students of Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences
- Students of Faculty of Clinical Sciences
- Students of Faculty of Communication & Infomation Sciences
- Students of Faculty of Education
- Studénts of Faculty of Engineering & Technology
- Students of Faculty of Environmental Sciences
- Students of Faculty of Law
- Students of Faculty of Life Sciences
- Students of Faculty of Management Sciences
- Students of Faculty of Physical Sciences
- Students of Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Students of Faculty of Social Sciences
- Students of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
The academic procession will enter the Auditorium at 7:55 a.m. All those present in the Auditorium will rise as the procession enters the auditorium and moves to the dais. The Vice Chancellor will bow, and the Unilorin Anthem will be sung, after which all will assume their seats.
The Registrar will invite the Vice-Chancellor to deliver his Matriculation address. The Vice Chancellor delivers his Matriculation address, and thereafter resumes his seat.
The Registrar will request all the Matriculating students to rise and say the Declaration in unison after her.
The Vice-Chancellor will declare the Congregation for Matriculation closed. Thereafter, the Vice-Chancellor’s procession will leave the Auditorium in a reverse order.
Meanwhile, all present in the Auditorium will remain standing during the procession.
Members of Congregation, not on the dais, will then leave the Auditorium while the Matriculating students resume their seats. Thereafter, they will move to their respective Faculies to sign the Matriculation Register. Each Matriculating student is required to sign a copy of the Register in his/her College/Faculty/School.