Candidates who sat for the 2022/2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and who scored 100 and above are eligible. The candidates must choose our College as the first choice institution to ensure gaining admission into the College.
FCET Umunze NCE Courses
The following courses are available at the NCE progamme of the College:
Agricultural Science Education
Home Economics Education
Business Education
Office Technology and Management Education
Accounting Education
Please note; Select BUSINESS EDUCATION as course in JAMB site for any of the above options
Fine and Applied Arts Education
English/Igbo Education
English Language Education
English/Social Studies
English/Political Science
Please note; Select ENGLISH (Double Major) as course in JAMB site for any of the above options
Physical and Health Education
Adult and Non-formal Education
Primary Education Studies
Early Childhood Care Education
Computer/Chemistry Education
Computer/Biology Education
Computer/Physics Education
Computer/Mathematics Education
Computer/Integrated Science Education
French Education
English/French Education
French/CRS Education
Please note; Select ENGLISH (Double Major) as course in JAMB site for any of the above options
Economics Education
Economics/English Education
Economics/French Education
Economic/Mathematics Education
Economics/Computer Science Education
Please note; Select ENGLISH (Double Major) as course in JAMB site for any of the above options
Industrial Technical Education
Electrical/Electronics Technology Education
Building/Woodwork Technology Education
Metal Work Education
Automobile Technology Education
Please note; Select TECHNICAL EDUCATION as course in JAMB site for any of the above options
Political Science Education
Political Science/English Education
Political Science/French Education
Political Science/CRS Education
Please note; Select ENGLISH (Double Major) as course in JAMB site for any of the above options
Social Studies Education
Social Studies/Igbo Education
Social Studies/English Education
Social Studies/French Education
Social Studies/CRS Education
Please note; Select ENGLISH (Double Major) as course in JAMB site for any of the above options
Cultural and Creative Arts Education
Cultural and Creative Arts/English Education
Cultural and Creative Arts/Theatre Arts Education
Cultural and Creative Arts/French Education
Cultural and creative Arts/Igbo Education
Cultural and Creative Arts/Social Studies Education
Please note; Select ENGLISH (Double Major) as course in JAMB site for any of the above options
Theatre Arts Education
Theatre Arts/Igbo Education
Theatre Arts/English Education
Theatre Arts/Social Studies Education
Theatre Arts/Music Education
Theatre Arts/CRS Education
Theatre Arts/Cultural and Creative Arts Education
Please note; Select ENGLISH (Double Major) as course in JAMB site for any of the above options
Geography Education
Geography/French Education
Geography/English Education
Geography/Mathematics Education
Please note; Select ENGLISH (Double Major) as course in JAMB site for any of the above options
How to Apply for FCET Umunze Post UTME
The amount for the application form is N2000.00 and can be obtained by following this link
Interested candidates are advised to utilize this rare opportunity to advance their academic pursuit.
Click Here to download the admission process flow or visit the admission unit of the College
For more inquiries call: 08139750405, 08135887263.
NOTE: on the JAMB portal all candidates applying for any of the English Education options except Igbo option should select English Double Major as their course while those offering the Business Education or Industrial Technical options should choose Business Education or Industrial Technical Education respectively.