Management of the federal University of Technology,Akure (FUTA) had Commenced allocation of Provisional admission offer on Jamb Caps for the 2022/23 Applicants Prospective applicants are to follow the enumerated procedures to access their admission status via Jamb Caps.
Visit your Jamb caps portal via your browser especially chrome by clicking here
Input your Gmail address and your password received from Jamb via Gmail mailbox
Confirm the Examination year by ensuring it is (2022)
Change your browser from mobile site to desktop site
Click on check Admission status at the first homepage (Dashboard)
Input your UTME/ DE Registration number in the rectangular box at the top of the page
Click on Access my caps to direct you to my caps profile
Click on Admission status at the left hand corner of my caps profile
Click on Accept to accept your Admission offer
Anticipate for Congratulatory message from jamb and proceed to print your Jamb Admission letter