Articulate NUESALITES, part of our resolves as an altruistic administration to ensure optimum welfarism and unparalleled development of all and sundry is to contribute our positive quota toward mitigating the culture of ‘stress’ especially transportation-induced usually experienced by the students.
In lieu of this, we enthusiastically bring to your notice that the Association has successfully procured the *FACULTY COASTER BUS* for the transportation of students on campus. Therefore, effective immediately, the BUS will commence work this week and will work independently of other commercial buses like it on campus. Consequently, the modalities and guidelines of the operation will include but are not limited to the following:
1. the point of convergence (park) will be at the *entrance to the Faculty of Education via the Sports Unit in the afternoon* while *the pick-up point in the morning will be at Sanrab Junction.*
2. the tentative terminus for the Bus will be Sanrab Junction (the filing station).
3. transport volunteers and other critical stakeholders will always be available to ensure orderliness.
4. booking a seat will be through *TICKETING POLICY* - where a ticket admits one and valid means of identification.
5. the fixed price for a ticket will be #100 (subject to review).
That said, this development might seems ‘small’ for a start, but worth noting is that it is championed by the plight to alleviate the incessant transportation stress usually experienced by the students and to minimize the rampant congestion at the school park. As a result, we besiege everyone to properly conduct themselves in that regard.
More importantly, we cannot but mention the magnanimity of the Faculty Management, the Association’s Staff Advisers, and other Notable Personalities for the invaluable and significant role played toward the accomplishment of this gigantic feat respectively.
In light of the foregoing Dearest NUESALITES, always stay abreast and assured of our arduous commitment toward accentuating the concomitant degree of progress and academic excellence that we all yearn.