The students procession will take off from the old Faculty of Arts building at 6:40 a.m.
Matriculating Students are expected to have been seated by 7:30 a.m. prompt on the day of Matriculation.
As it is the tradition of the University, Matriculating students are expected to be properly robed in the academic gowns already allocated to your Faculty.
Matriculating students are expected to sign the Matriculation Register immediately after the ceremony, and in any case, not later than 24 hours after the ceremony. Faculty Officers are therefore to widely publicize the venue for the signing of the register for their various Faculties and forward same to the Deputy Registrar (Academic Support Services, Examinations and Records). Failure of Matriculating students to sign and collect their Matriculation numbers on the day so assigned shall not be countenanced and could result in the loss of their studentship.
The Matriculation Oath Forms which should be collected by all Faculty Officers on Monday 3rd April, 2023 be submitted by the Matriculating students in the first week of the Rain Semester.