A 400L student of University of Ilorin, UNILORIN, Owoyemi Qudus Adebayo aka Mr. Humble has announced his aim for the "Fastest to complete five skin fades" Guinness record.

Qudus from department of statistics, faculty of Physical Sciences set to begin his journey to break this record at exactly 4pm on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at the Students' Union building, Unilorin, PS.

Mr. Humble is a university scholar, a former welfare secretary of Nigerian association of Physical sciences students (Naphss), and a one time contestant for the office of the Students’ Union President.

In a conversation with A-MEDIA UPDATE, Mr Qudus disclosed that the aim is not just about record, it's aboutjourney. It's for his own limitations and of perhaps can inspire others too. 

In his words; "Confidence in my potential, and my passion for barbering is what made me think of setting the record."

"There's also a thrill in the competition, not just against others, but against my own limitations. Each successful fade feels like a tiny victory, a step closer to proving what's possible. And if, along the way, I can inspire someone to push their own boundaries, to embrace their unique abilities, then that's the ultimate reward."

When asked of his view about the record he wants to break, he said; "So, yeah, it's not just about the record. It's about the journey, the exploration, and the hope that by chasing my own limits, I can show others what they're capable of too. That's what really gets me fired up about this speedy barbing challenge!"

According to him, he notified the Guinness World record of his aim on November 27th, 2013 and the application was approved on 17th December, 2024, while he is ready to embark on the journey on January 24, 2024.

He hereby seeks for all Unilorites supports and shows his words of encouragement in achieving his aims. He said "Fellow Unilorites, before my clipper starts a whirlwind on the notable heads, let me drop some fire ahead for Wednesday!"

"See, life on campus throws enough curveballs to break a wrist, but guess what? We're BetterByFar! We’re built with Ilorin fire in our veins, and brainstorming brilliance in our minds!"

"Just like my clipper on my clients heads, be sharp, be relentless, and carve your own path to greatness!"

"Now, excuse me while I turn this mane into a masterpiece. Remember, every haircut is a new beginning, a fresh start."

Peace out!"

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